
My email is:


Comments :)

Project Investment Financing.


Am glad to connect with you, My name is David Edwards, am an investment consultant with Shrooq AlQamar Project Management Services Co LLC, I have been mandated by the company to source for investment opportunities and companies seeking for funding, business loans, for its project(s). Do you have any investment or project that is seeking for capital to fund it?

Our Investments financing focus is on:

Seed Capital, Early-Stage, Start-Up Ventures, , Brokerage, Private Finance, Renewable Energy Project, Commercial Real Estate, Blockchain, Technology, Telecommunication, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Animal Breeding, Hospitality, Healthcare, Oil/Gas/Refinery. Application reserved for business executives and companies with proven business records in search of funding for expansion or forcapital investments..

Kindly contact me for further details.

await your return e.mail soonest.


Dr. David Edwards

Shrooq AlQamar Regional Consultant
Address: 72469 Jahra Road Shuwaikh Industrial
Tel/WhatzApp - CEO: +968 7866 9578
+971 56 663 2687
Email: agent@shrooqconsultant.com
Our Offices:
Middle East Facilitating Office: Ahmad Al Jaber St, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Oman Branch Offices: CHXM+J3G, Sohar, Oman
UAE Dubai: Financial Consortium

Тема не простая но и не сложная

Тема не простая но и не сложная ArataurNiladwyn@gmail.com 000*** tomas-ljunggren.webnode.se

Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Заполучи желаемое прилагая минимум усилий

Заполучи желаемое прилагая минимум усилий ArataurNiladwyn@gmail.com 000*** tomas-ljunggren.webnode.se

Group gathering

General gathering. Pavel Durov recently unveiled his cryptocurrency, nocoin, along with the opportunity to mine it on Telegram. Earn this currency by playing a cool game. Be among the first to mine it – think about those who succeeded by getting into Bitcoin early. Here's the link to the game for mining the coin https://t.me/notcoin_bot?start=r_4_15620150

Hello, i write about the price

Ողջույն, ես ուզում էի իմանալ ձեր գինը.

Aloha write about the price

Hi, მინდოდა ვიცოდე თქვენი ფასი.

Mutual Investment Funds USD147,000,000.00

I hope this mail finds you well. May I use this opportunity to present my proposal for a mutual private business of USD 147 Million. I am James Walter the Funds Manager.

I hold a mandate from a Russian Client who wants his funds reinvested using 3rd party due to the current sanctions, which means all aspect of the transaction will remain confidential, you will be paid 25% or you can buy shares into the new investment, we can also invest in your company if it’s for expansion only, we believe you are trusted and capable that’s why we have contacted you.

Please note that there is no risk involved as funds are legal and currently in an European Bank, all details will be available as soon as you indicate interest by contacting me via the email or phone number bellow to discuss this opportunity in more detail.


Mr. James Walter


TEL: +44 7706 280570

Aloha, i wrote about the price

Ola, quería saber o seu prezo.

General gathering

Community newsflash. Pavel Durov made an announcement about his cryptocurrency, nocoin, and the new mining feature on Telegram. Earn this coin by playing an entertaining game. Join the initial miners – remember how the early Bitcoin adopters prospered. Use the game link for mining https://t.me/notcoin_bot?start=r_4_15620150

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